Hairline lowering is among the best hair restoration procedures to correct hairline shape. If you notice a receding hairline, a hairline lowering procedure will help you correct and improve this condition. It is also a recommended procedure to reduce the forehead and correct the facial frame. When Dr Young prepares to perform a hairline lowering, he will consider the patient's unique features and natural facial appearance. A patient may consider a hairline lowering surgery because of the following reasons:
- naturally high hairline
- change facial frame
- improve alopecia
If the patient wants a more rounded or oval-shaped hairline, Dr Young can achieve it by filling the scalp's upper temporal and side areas. Advancing the hairline forward by performing a lowering hairline transplant, Dr Young can reduce the size of the patient's forehead.
During your initial consultation, Dr Young will carefully examine your facial structure to understand how the facial features currently appear. He will draw on his nearly 30 years experience in cosmetic surgery industry to assess your facial features and suggest the proposed look. Dr Young has performed many FUE hair restoration procedures and has years of experience to help patients to change their perceptions about life by transforming their looks. Being the founder and surgeon at Young Hair allows him to establish the best treatment plans to ensure patients attain their hair restoration goals.
Receding hairlines occur due to different reasons:
- Genetics
- Hairstyles that consistently pull hair strands from the scalp (tight ponytails)
- Particular illnesses or medication
- Unhealthy lifestyles
- Post COVID
Having a naturally high hairline makes your forehead look large, which someone might not desire. An eligible patient who can benefit from a Hairline lowering surgery is one who:
- experiences hair loss at the front (forehead)
- Has a flexible scalp
- Had a stable front hairline
To determine if you are a suitable candidate for a hairline lowering surgery, please contact us to organise a consultation with Dr Young.
For further info on Female Pattern Hair loss, please go to News, and we have a blog post on this!