Corrective Hair Transplant

making the final adjustment
As if hair loss was not bad enough, some people have the burden of dealing with a bad or unnatural hair restoration. Here is how Young Hair can help:
Recently, there has been a number of people contacting Young Hair Restoration who asked us if it’s possible to reverse a hair transplant. The short answer is no. A hair transplant procedure is permanent, which is a fantastic benefit if it is done correctly.

However, we have seen patients who have searched for more affordable hair transplant options and took on a risk to travel either in or outside of Australia to get a hair transplant. This sadly appears that we have seen patients who were unhappy with their results, and who are struggling to have it corrected by overseas clinic, due to the language and cultural barrier, but also the cost and uncertainty of travelling back overseas without guarantees the problem will get fixed. Unfortunately, not everyone is aware of the danger medical tourism. Of course, not all clinics abroad fall under this category but there are risks to be considered when traveling for a cosmetic treatment outside of your home country.

Having a hair transplant by an inexperienced person can lead to a number of problems in the future, even if your results might seem fine to start with. You could be left with unnatural looking hair line, damage to the donor area – or an over harvested donor area, hair follicles that have been implanted under incorrect angle – which could grow in the wrong direction – all are causing an unsatisfactory result.

Any clinic that offers unlimited grafts, really needs to be avoided. The donor follicles are a non renewable resource, and any clinic suggesting that using these follicles in an unlimited way must be deemed unethical.

Unlike clinics in Australia, many hair transplant clinics in Turkey, India and similar countries are not governed by a professional medical body – this means there is no way to see if the clinic is reputable, is your surgeon even a surgeon and what to do in an unlikely event of dissatisfaction? There have been a number of reports of some clinics illegally operating, with many nurses and practitioners not having the same medical training as doctors and nurses as in Australia.

There are a few reasons why a patient may be unhappy with their previous surgery:
• Poorly designed hairline
• Poor, uneven density -incorrect hairs placed in hairline
• Incorrect angle of hair implantation – hair growing in wrong direction
• Over-harvested donor with patchiness or scarring
• Lack of post care medical treatment to prevent further hair loss

If your hair transplant is unsatisfactory, you can choose to travel back overseas however this means having to pay the cost of travel, accommodation and most important aspect of life - time. Unfortunately, for some people the problems arise sometime after the treatment and the clinic they went to might not still be operating. After all many patients don’t want to risk going back to the same clinic overseas post unsatisfactory result.

If you are unsatisfied with your previous hair transplant - revisional hair transplant surgery can work to help build on the density of your hair and can correct a hairline. However, you need to be advised that when you have previously had a hair transplant that hasn’t worked as well as you might have hoped you can run into the issue where your donor hair was over harvested, meaning you’ve not been left with enough donor hair to use for future hair transplants.

In some cases it may be possible for previously transplanted hair grafts to be removed and transplanted – however, this is quite a skilled process, so very few clinics in Australia recommend or even can offer this.
Dr Young will be more than capable to perform this and re plant these follicles in a newer more natural place.

Hair transplant scarring can also be an issue from a bad hair transplant. The most common scarring Dr Young sees is from clinics using older methods such as FUT, often referred to as strip surgery. This leaves a long strip shaped scar on the back of the scalp. Dr Young has been trained extensively to seamlessly cover scarring left from strip surgery hair transplantation.

That being said FUE, can and does leave a scar, in the correct hands and appropriate harvesting % of the donor, and also in the optimal areas of the donor, there should be minimal scarring. Multiple FUE procedures, and re-harvesting will magnify the scarring.
We are also able to camouflage the block extraction zones that some clinics perform.

Please note many clinics in Sydney and Australia are popping up with cheap hair transplants, be very wary of there safety, infection control, and also skill. We have heard of many clinics over harvesting and discarding unused follicles in large numbers. Most of these have no medical input, they may appear to have a doctor on their website, but these are just for optics and they generally have no training or experience in hair restoration.
Your procedure at these clinics are non compliant, in terms of consent, safety, medication usage, and without the doctor performing the medical procedure, be very wary of these cheap clinics.

In addition, some clinics use a FIFO model, where by the "team of technicians " will come for the day, then go to another clinic etc... absolutely no continuity of care or compliance with current laws.

If you’re looking to have hair transplant correction surgery, we recommend getting in contact with us to book a consultation with Dr Young.
Dr Young has performed a many corrective hair transplants during his practice and we look forward to help you to achieve your hair goals.

Please note, this can be very challenging to repair some hair transplants, and may require a few procedures to reach an acceptable outcome.
Corrective Hair Restoration
A hairline where follicles have been implanted incorrectly( too low, wrong angle, wrong type, and wrong density) by a large Turkish clinic.
We designed a more appropriate hairline, and extracted the wrong follicles, then moved them in a more correct place.( remove and move technique).
We then harvested hair in the safe donor area and re-established the hairline and frontal area.
Donor correction
Can you count the number of issues that is wrong with this donor area harvesting. Well, we can name 4- overharvesting,
block area harvesting,
no transitions,
incorrect use of donor area.
Neck follicles also used- they may not be viable.
How do we correct this? We have a few techniques.
If you have a similar issue please contact us on how we can repair your donor.

(This procedure was done at a large and famous hair transplant clinic in Istanbul. )
Hairline Correction
Can you see the issues with this hairline ( by a local clinic) ?
We would love to hear from you. If you would like to schedule a consultation, please get in touch with us via phone or email. We are happy to answer any questions and can schedule a consultation for you with Dr Young to talk about bringing your new and young hair back.

Phone: 02 8591 0215