Beard Hair Transplant

unique designs and correction of beard
Beard hair transplantation is a very specialised procedure to help restore the hair growth in the beard or mustache area.
What happens during a beard transplant procedure?

The most important part of the procedure is the design of the beard or mustache area. Dr Young will listen to your goals and together will come up with a design for this area of concern. Beard transplantation is a surgical procedure and you will be kept comfortable with pain medications that help control any pain.

Dr Young will draw for the patient where the hairs will be implanted before the surgery begins and make sure the patient is happy with the design.
He will then plan the location of each area of implantation so that the individual hair follicles are inserted in the correct direction, at the right angles and are distributed in the correct places to have the best possible results. A beard or any kind of hair transplant, when performed by an experienced and skilled surgeon should be undetectable.

What is the recovery period after a beard transplant?

After surgery, mild redness and crusting can be expected where the hairs were placed, and this usually resolves after a few days to a week. Depending on your comfort level, many patients choose to return to work and social activity after few days. Dr Young advise against certain activities such as gym, alcohol consumption and smoking to help wit rehabilitation and swelling. Because the hair grafts use scalp hair, these hair grafts will grow and will need to be trimmed regularly.

How do I take care of my beard after a transplant?

Dr Young will go over how best to care for the implanted area. This will include suggesting you special shampoo and oil to assist with healing. You will be provided with Dr Young's mobile number in case you have questions after hours or any time during your recovery period.
When can I go back to work or be seen in the public after a beard transplant?
There may be some redness or slight swelling, however most patients can return to work after a few days following their transplant. It is rare for the redness to persist for more than a week. If you have very fair or sensitive skin, the redness may persist slightly longer than a week.

When will I see the results after my beard transplant?

Each patient is different. Some may see results after four months-six months and others may take up to nine months to see hair growth. Complete results cannot be evaluated until a full twelve months after a procedure. Good news, you will always be able to contact Dr Young as he will remain with you during your post hair transplant journey.

We would love to hear from you. If you would like to schedule a consultation, please get in touch with us via phone or email. We are happy to answer any questions and can schedule a consultation for you with Dr Young to talk about bringing your new and young hair back.

Phone: 02 8591 0215