Hair Loss Blog

Why Dr Young does consultations? And how to get the most out your consultation.

How does Dr Young assess you and your hair for a hair restoration procedure?
It all starts with a thorough consultation.
This is by law required, as all cosmetic surgery, both minimally invasive and invasive, requires the practitioner/doctor to meet and assess the patient at the first meeting.

But let's take a step back. Doesn't it seem intuitive for the doctor to treat the patient and plan to see the patient for years? Don't you want to meet and start this care plan from the get-go?

Why would patients want to meet a consultant?
Are they not worthy of meeting the doctor who will do the procedure?
This is fundamentally important.

It has been Dr Young's passion to meet and assess patients.
So, what are the things that will be covered in your consultation?

Here is a list-
  1. Medical and psychological history, Body dysmorphic clearance.
  2. medications
  3. past treatments
  4. hair loss history
  5. consent for photography and Privacy.
  6. What would the patient desire for their optimal result?
  7. Are the expectations realistic?

Examining hair and scalp requires dermatoscopically assessing the hair loss areas and the donor.
Some essential points to figure out
  1. What areas need to be restored? How many hairs will be required?
  2. How many hairs are left in the donor?
  3. What is the plan?
  4. What other options are needed to give a complete plan?
  5. full set of photos and microscopic photos.

After these have been assessed, Dr Young can formulate a plan, which may take a few days of thought.

Your journey starts with a thorough medical history and examination by Dr Young. To further prepare for your consultation please have some questions ready, and some previous photos of your hair from 5/10 years prior.

Book in your consultation with Dr Young today-

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