Hair Loss Blog

Transcript -The Best consultation

ep1 The best consultation.

[00:00:00] Welcome to the Young Hair Podcast. I'm your host, Dr. Wayne Young. I'll summarize all the latest and best proven advances and advice for you to get the most out of your hair restoration. Each episode I'll cover the most common questions about hair restoration and also the best ways to get the most out of your procedure.

I keep it real easy, so let's get started.

And welcome to today's episode. Why do I do consultations? Well, first of all, I think it's very, very important to understand that there are new guidelines written up by the Medical Board of Australia, and these new guidelines came out on the 1st of July, 2023. They pertain to cosmetic and non-surgical cosmetic surgical procedures.[00:01:00]

And how practitioners need to follow these guidelines. And one of the most important features is the assessment at the start, the first consultation is performed by doctor during the procedure. So, first of all, it's law. Secondly, I think it's Respect, and I think it's so important to understand that from the get go, the doctor patient relationship needs to be on strong ground.

So when I consult on my patients, I really, really try to get to know them and understand what impact their hair loss has on them and on their lifestyle. But that's just one aspect of the consultation. I [00:02:00] need to know their medical history, their past hair loss procedures, their past hair loss medications, and if they had any problems with these medications.

I also need to know if they've had any surgical procedures or any problems with anesthetics or any medication problems in the past. Do they have any allergies? So these are all Basic, basic things that all doctors do, and I've done it for 28 years now. The medical history. Then we go on to the examination, and part of the examination is taking photos.

Again, I need to have a consent for these photos, because this is a new law. And the importance of this consent is that these photos form part of the medical history, but they also are [00:03:00] Stored securely and safely, and they're not used or shared inappropriately or without the patient's consent. These photos are then examined and assessed and I discuss the particular areas of hair loss with the patient.

Examination wise requires me to use my dermatoscope to assess areas of hair loss and also to understand what their donor or their hair bank looks like because this really will dictate how much hair I can supply to the hair loss.

The density required to restore to appropriate level will need to be adjusted if the hair bank isn't as good as it should be. And these are all explained in this [00:04:00] first consultation, and it's really, really important. The procedure itself, how long the procedure will take, if there will be pain, who's And this is really important, so I tell all my patients that I do the procedure.

With two assistants and I believe that this is the way it should be, you know, there are many clinics that let the technician do the whole procedure and I think that's not the way to do it and certainly this is the way that it's done in Turkey. There was very very little doctor input with these clinics in Turkey and almost all of them in Turkey technicians usually wanted to does the whole procedure, and the doctor will make a cursory hello and goodbye and draw a hairline or do some [00:05:00] anesthetic.

But I'm doing the procedure all day, every day. The other things that are really important with a consultation is to know what sort of follow ups there are, and I do all the follow ups. In addition, The post care plan, so we send all our patients the post care plan prior to their booking so they really can understand what requirements are due for them from day 1, day 2, day 5 to day 30.

And what, when can they go to gym, when can they get a haircut, these are all really really important questions. So in summary, really important to get a thorough doctor led consultation, the person who's doing the procedure, right at the start. Secondly, try to come up with [00:06:00] a good list of questions for the doctor.

Try to really understand what you're in for, and understand the differences of some clinics where they may not be doing the procedures themselves, they will be getting some fly in, fly out technicians with some technology, and the clinic. Or the doctor won't have any chance or ability to correct any things that will go wrong.

So these are the things you really, really need to understand in your consultation. Thank you very much, goodbye.

And thank you for your presence and I hope you enjoyed today's podcast. Reach out and like and follow us on Instagram. And if you would like a consultation with me, Please subscribe to this podcast to keep up to date. We'll see you next week. [00:07:00] Goodbye.

Some point to consider pre consultation with Dr Young-
  • Bring some old photos,
  • have some questions,
  • bring a partner.
2024-02-22 09:45 podcast