Hair Loss Blog

Transcript- The insiders guide to Body hair Transplants

Ep. 3 The Insiders guide to body hair transplants.

[00:00:00] Welcome to the Young Hair Podcast. I'm your host, Dr. Wayne Young. I'll summarize all the latest and best proven advances and advice for you to get the most out of your hair restoration. Each episode I'll cover the most common questions about hair restoration and also the best ways to get the most out of your procedure.

I keep it real easy, so let's get started. And welcome everyone. So, We are going to talk about body hair transplants today. What are they? Why do we do it? When do we do it? And how do we do it? Let's take a deep dive into body hair transplants. So body hair transplants is when we take hair from the beard, or the neck, the chest, the abdomen, or the arms, and we then transplant those into another area.[00:01:00]

They've been around for a long, long time. In fact, Japanese. This surgeon Okuda in 1920s was thinking about body hair transplants, taking hair from other parts of the body and using it for, for example, eyebrow restoration or beard restoration or scar restoration. So they've been around for a while. Not many doctors do it.

Not many clinics do it. They are for a specialized. clinic and for certainly a specialized patient. So, why do we do it? Well for one, we do it primarily for when the safe donor area or the area at the back of the head, the normal donor area has been exhausted or you need significant hair restoration follicle numbers and you need to look [00:02:00] for other donor areas.

So, that's That's pretty much it. So, usually Norwood 6 or plus will require many, many follicles. And most patients do not have enough donor in their donor area. It's also important to use specific beard hair follicles. For, for example, beard reconstruction or beard restoration. So, it's specific types of follicles.

And what are the characteristics of the beard hair? So first of all, usually it's one or two hairs per follicle in the beard. And they're usually thicker than the scalp here. The interesting thing about being thicker than the scalp here, they will then [00:03:00] obviously block more light and allow a greater appearance of density.

What are the limitations of beard hair extraction or body hair extraction? Well, it's a lower yield. It's much, much more higher skill required. And then you need to also consider scarring, okay? How do we do it? First of all, I use five times magnifying loops, and then I obviously will pick primarily the beard underneath the chin or around the neck.

Sometimes, the chest and sometimes the abdomen. And obviously the patients will require a very very thick and coarse beard hair or chest hair or abdominal hair. The more hair that's present, the better. The technical aspects of [00:04:00] extraction are quite significant and the skill required is much much greater than the usual extraction from the back of the head.

These follicles then need to be placed behind the hairline, and certainly if you consider trees amongst trees, trees in the forest, these thick coarse beard hairs need to be shaded by other head hairs for the effect to be natural, or they can be used in the crown. Don't forget, beard hair transplants can fit perfectly for beard to beard FUE restoration.

And I do many beard restorations and beard corrections because many men have got asymmetries with the beard, or they've got some [00:05:00] decrease. density in certain areas. So, the beard extraction and the beard implantation is very, very useful. Other areas on the body, such as the chest or the abdomen, are good matches for eyebrow hair restoration.

The thing about these particular body hair Follicles, they may not grow quite like the head hairs, and this is really important. Certainly there's a smaller yield and there's a slightly smaller survival. It specifically when you start going to chest, abdomen, and legs and arms, did survival is best with hair from the head.

So if you're considering a significant. Hair restoration and you don't [00:06:00] think that you've got enough hair in your safe donor area on your scalp Then consider body hair transplants by myself and we will Maximize the results that are possible with your body hair Restoration. So if you've got any questions, or you'd like to book in for a consultation Please contact me

Thank you And thank you for your presence, and I hope you enjoyed today's podcast. Reach out and like and follow us on Instagram. And if you would like a consultation with me, Please subscribe to this podcast to keep up to date. We'll see you next week. Goodbye.
2024-02-22 09:48 podcast